This is a reminder that students may not be dropped off before 7:15 AM. Prek parents are the only adults allowed in the building. They must be screened. Students may bring part of their supplies tomorrow and more each day. Elementary will dismiss the first week on a staggered schedule. 2:50 - load kindergarten, 3:00 load first grade, 3:10 load second & third grade. Younger students will load with older siblings. 4th -6th will begin loading at 3:15. Aftercare will be available tomorrow for those that have signed up. If you need an aftercare form emails tomorrow.
over 3 years ago, Carrie Burson
This is a reminder from the nurse. A student must be fever free for 48 hours without medication before attending or returning to school.
over 3 years ago, Carrie Burson
There will be a mandatory meeting Wednesday night at 6 PM in the auditorium for parents that have chosen the VIRTUAL option of school. If you plan for your child to complete his/her daily class work at home, you will need to be present at the meeting this Wednesday. Email if you have questions.
almost 4 years ago, Carrie Burson
I want to answer a few common questions that I am receiving. (1) Do we need anything from a doctor for our child to return to school? (2) Why is a black sock on the supply list? (3) Do we need to go ahead and put the supplies in the student’s pencil pouch? (4) Will students bring all of the supplies when they go back, or will parents drop supplies off at the school? Answers: (1) A doctor’s note is needed for anyone that is NOT to wear a mask when traveling at school. (2) The black sock is used as an eraser at their desk when using dry-erase markers. (3 & 4) I will meet with teachers August 6-12 and we will publish a plan concerning supplies that we agree works best for students, parents, and teachers at that time.
almost 4 years ago, Carrie Burson
There will be no open house this year. The online registration process is required for ALL students by July 24th. This will allow you the opportunity to complete forms electronically that are handed out the first day or at Open House.
almost 4 years ago, Carrie Burson
Parents must register all students online this school year by July 24th. Please use this link:
almost 4 years ago, Carrie Burson
The school board met Monday night and approved a back to school plan. Once this plan is released, please reach out to the school nurse, or Mrs. Burson at if you need clarification or have specific questions. A general review of the plan can be found on the Elementary School’s Facebook page.
almost 4 years ago, Carrie Burson
This evening’s peewee football meeting has been moved to the First Baptist Family Center.
almost 4 years ago, Carrie Burson
The PeeWee Community Football Program will be hosting a parent meeting tomorrow night at the football field. 6:30 PM
almost 4 years ago, Carrie Burson
Elementary Report Cards: use the link on the school’s website to determine how you will access your child’s report card.
almost 4 years ago, Carrie Burson
Mrs. Rumph will be stationed in front of the elementary school tomorrow evening from 4:00-6:00 PM in an effort to collect the remaining Library, Accelerated Reading Lab, and/or Teacher Classroom Library books. Please place the books in a bag if they belong to a teacher and place the teacher’s name on paper inside the bag. Please drive by and hand them to Mrs. Rumph! We will get them to the correct person. Thank you for gathering these books and returning them to the school. Mrs. Rumph and the other teachers need their books back for next year.
about 4 years ago, Carrie Burson
Today, 8 AM - 3 PM will be the last day to pick up student supplies. Check the Elementary Facebook page for the list of names that still need to pick up items. Call 870-862-4641 ext 130 when you pull up and we will walk items out to you.
about 4 years ago, Carrie Burson
This is a reminder. Parents or Guardians need to pick up inhalers, epi pens, and oral medications that the nurses had on campus per doctor’s orders. 9:45-11:00 AM TODAY - behind the gym. Parents must sign these out.
about 4 years ago, Carrie Burson
There will be a packet pickup behind the gym Monday, April 20th, 5:30–7:30 PM, for those wishing to apply to attend Camden’s South Central Service Cooperative ABC prek program located in the PC Elementary building.
about 4 years ago, Carrie Burson
Kindergarten and Paid PreK Registration will be tonight from 5:30-7:30 PM. Pick up a paper packet & return all forms & documents next Thursday at the same time. The ABC Coop PreK program will be handling registration the same way. Their packets may be picked up next Monday night 5:30-7:30 PM.
about 4 years ago, Carrie Burson
Parkers Chapel School will also be placing the kindergarten and preschool registration links online by 4/16. You may register online if you do not want to pick up a packet. Be watching for the link on our website and the Elementary Facebook page. Packets will be returned 4/23.
about 4 years ago, Carrie Burson
Parkers Chapel School will have a drive-thru packet pick up line for kindergarten and prek registration this Thursday, 4/16, from 5:30-7:30 PM. Please pull in behind the gym from Evans Drive and follow the typical car line and pick up a packet if you need to register a student.
about 4 years ago, Carrie Burson
Students with electricity issues will be exempt from attendance and assignments today. The work assigned for today must be completed once electricity is restored. If you have questions about work or due dates, email the teacher or post a comment / question on their google classroom thread.
about 4 years ago, Carrie Burson
Meals on Wheels will not deliver lunch today. Good Friday is a scheduled calendar day off. We will see you Monday. Have a great and safe Easter weekend.
about 4 years ago, Carrie Burson
Please complete the google form in this link ONE time per household to assist our school in designing digital education for the remainder of the school year.
about 4 years ago, Carrie Burson