Parkers Chapel will celebrate 100 years April 11th - April 13th with an "All Class" Reunion. Information and registration for this event can be found at https://www.parkerschapelschool.com/page/pc-100-year-all-class-reunion

Parkers Chapel will host the Senior High District Basketball Tournament starting Monday, February 17th. The tournament will be every night 02/17 - 02/21 and we will host 18 teams from our district. We need help providing items for each night in the hospitality room. Please indicate what you can bring by signing your name beside the item in the document linked below. Thank you for always helping our athletic programs!

PCSD: Reminder that Parkers Chapel School District will not have school on Friday, February 14th or Monday, February 17th. School will dismiss at 1:30 on Thursday, February 13th.

Valentine's Day Deliveries: All deliveries must be made tomorrow (Thursday) to the auditorium lobby before 10:30. No deliveries will be accepted after 10:30 a.m. from parents or florists. We will not have school on Friday, Feb.14th. We will not have school on Monday, Feb. 17th. Happy Winter Break. ... Remember early dismissal tomorrow! 12:30-12:50 Prek, 1:00-1:20 Car Line, 1:30 Buses

This is a reminder that PreK dismissal is 12:30-12:50 today. The elementary car line will load from 1:00- 1:20 and the buses will run at 1:30. Parent - Teacher Conferences will be held today from 1:45-6:00 p.m.

There will be a PC Little League Baseball meeting tonight, 6:00-8:00 p.m., in the auditorium. There will be two informational meetings tonight. One will be at 6:30 and the second will be at 7:30. Choose the one that best fits your schedule and attend if your child is interested in playing. Tables will be set up in the lobby to collect paperwork, etc. when signing up.

Be Pro, Be Proud Organization will be on our high school campus on Tuesday, February 4th. Be Pro, Be Proud is here to educate students and help change perceptions of skilled technical professions and to help lead students toward pathways for STEM and skilled careers.
On this day, the parking lot in front of the high school will be closed off. Parents will need to drop off their students by using the drop off lane in the high school student parking lot or in the elementary drop off lane on that day.

Parkers Chapel School District will release Feb. 13th, at 1:30 for a Winter Break. There will be no school on Friday, Feb. 14th and no school on Monday, Feb. 17th (Presidents' Day). School will resume our normal schedule on Tuesday, Feb. 18th.
Preschool Pick-Up time will be 12:30-12:50 on the 13th;
Elementary Car Line will load from 1:00-1:20; and
Buses will run at 1:30.
VALENTINE'S DAY DELIVERIES: All deliveries must be made on the 13th before 10:30 A.M. Elementary deliveries (Prek - 4th grade) should be dropped off at the auditorium lobby. High School and Middle School deliveries (5th - 12th grades) are to be dropped off at the High School Office.

PCSD: The Lunch menu for Tuesday and Wednesday will be swapped this week. Lunch on Tuesday will be Bayou Butter Basted Chicken and on Wednesday it will be Beef Vegetable Soup.

Elementary: This is a reminder that school will dismiss early this Thursday for Parent - Teacher Conferences. Prek students will need to be picked up 12:30-12:50; the elementary car line will load from 1:00-1:20; buses will run at 1:30.
Elementary conferences will begin at 1:45 and end at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 6th.

Prek & Elementary: Please remember that today is Basketball Sweetheart Day! We will have early release times listed below:
11:30-11:50 - K-4: Back & Front Car Lines for those not attending the ceremony - must have turned in a note so we know to have students in the line;
12:00-12:20 -Prek - pick up in your regular spots - regular procedure for pickup
12:25 - Parent may sign a student out in the gym if the parent is also attending the ceremony - see your child's teacher before the ceremony begins
1:20 - Regular Car Lines (front & back) for students not picked up early
1:30 - Buses will run
*** Students will not be checked out in the office. Forms were sent home this week for selecting your child's dismissal option.

A message from Mrs. Young

PreK & Elementary: As part of our school safety improvement plan, the school has installed gates at the gym parking lot's front and back entrances. The gates will be closed at 8:15 a.m. and will be opened at 2:00 p.m. daily. They will be closed or opened in the evenings and on weekends following schedules determined by our administration and according to planned events or activities. Preschool students who leave early must be picked up in the auditorium lobby at the time scheduled with or by the teacher. Parents should not arrive for the car line before 2:00 p.m. when the gates have been opened.

Our competition cheer team will be competing at the State Cheer Competition this Saturday, December 21st in Hot Springs. Tickets are available at https://gofan.co/event/2493963?schoolId=AAA.

Parkers Chapel School District will be on Christmas Break December 23rd - January 3rd. School will resume on Monday, January 6th.

Cowen Photography Studio Santa pictures are ready and are posted to your child's code. Use the yellow sheet with the QR code to log in and view the Santa pictures and place your orders. Thank you for your participation with this event.

If your child had pictures made with Santa today, he / she will have a yellow sheet of paper in their backpack or folder. Use the QR code on that paper or follow directions on it to create your account. You should be able to view pictures in about a week.

L3 Harris has awarded a $5,000 grant to Parkers Chapel STEM to be used for STEM Night 2025! Thank you L3 Harris for investing in our students! #pcproud #pcSTEM

PCSD: This is a reminder that Thanksgiving Break is November 25th - November 29th. School will dismiss at 1:30 on Friday, November 22nd. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

Prek & Elem: Early dismissal this Friday. PreK pickup time will be 12:30-12:45; Elem. Car Line will be 1:10-1:25; Buses will leave campus 1:30-1:35. We will be out next week for Thanksgiving Break.