Superintendent Office

From the Office of the Superintendent


Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we worked with the parents and the physicians of the students in our school who have nut allergies.

It has been determined that our students above preschool age must ingest the nuts in order for their reactions to be dangerous. We have students in our preschool that can react to airborne allergens.

Our preschool students will eat in their classrooms. We will separate those students who bring their lunches from home from those who eat the cafeteria food. We will also continue to train our teachers and staff on the use of medications necessary to treat the allergies.

Our school administrators, nurses and school board members have determined that with these precautions in place, we will be able to allow peanut products on our campus.

Again, thank you for your patience in this matter. We will continue to closely monitor this situation and make adjustments as necessary.